Friday, October 23, 2015

Inspire Others, Inspire Yourself

 Sometimes we are dead, broken inside.
 Looking for someone to revive us.
To encourage us, to let us know everything is okay.
But then we find out that even they at that moment are full of negativity.
In that moment we have to rise up and be that saviour.
Be the positivity in that situation.
Change our situation and the situation of those people.

Please watch our latest video on youtube on this topic:


Sunday, October 18, 2015



When everything that i am and have done is not good enough to persuade someone else of my worth & value
My mom always told me that not everyone is going to like me, but i just wish they did!.Rejection! Rejection!
Maybe it was you seeking dads attention dancing in front of the TV to get him to notice you and still he says "get out of the way" or
Maybe its you after investing years in a relationship/job and you are told that there is someone else who is a more perfect fit or
Maybe you don't fit in at school because you don't have the cloths or hair like those cool girls do.
We say we don't care what people think,then you get like 10 likes and you are trying to delete that photo off instagram/facebook yeah yeah,
The NOs in our life are everywhere
Society standards will continually change, maybe soon we would need PHD to work in a restaurant,and that your bachelor certificate wouldn't be good enough anymore
REJECTION-Not being enough
The truth is in some season in your walk in life others wouldn't see your value. In these seasons
There has to be something that resolves at the core of your being that who you are is enough
The first choice i advice you to make on rejection in your life is
1) Own that feeling,acknowledge the pain. For every time someone wins someone looses.own it
2)Make a decision.To rise above the hurt.
You are good Enough just the way you are.Forget the success,forget the money,you are the only you that exist which is a testimony that you are good enough.
You are the best you there can be.YOU ARE ENOUGH


The Youth and Socal Media

 So over the years i have noticed that the most active set of people on social media are the youth. That is not  very disturbing. It only becomes a problem when everything posted is either violent or abusive or utterly useless and unimportant. What i'm saying is if you'll use these networks, use them wisely. Dont spend your whole day switching from facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram etc. Instead use them to create a good name for yourself. Make a positive impact and dont just throe your time away.  My name Helen and I'm out!
watch this video on youtube on the youth and social media.