Tuesday, December 29, 2015

When life throws you curveballs

We all have those times when things don't go right. It feels like your whole world is falling apart. Things get overwhelming, more like life throws you curveballs.
  In times like this, we all know that there's someone to turn to. There's someone willing to hold us , and he's so close. How many of us actually think this way when we are drowning in our troubles? We get sucked up in everything that's going wrong. Sometimes I like to think that , that is the work of the devil. He's trying to stop us from reaching out to God. Even the devil knows that God makes everything better. With this in mind, whenever things seem to be falling apart, I just hang in there and keep holding on. Sometimes it's good to stop holding on, and just be held.
Always remember that when God is involved , your world is never falling apart. Instead, it's falling into place.
   Another thing to remember in situations like this, is that, life is not a straight line as most of us expect it to be. We've all had those times when we make our plans and they turned upside down. I bet God sits up there and after we are done making our plans; He smiles to himself and says to us "just wait for it". The next day you wake up and none of the day's events matches anything you planned. Life is not meant to be a straight line. Sometimes it's spiral and other times, it's zigzag. But that's not for us to worry about, when we've got a God who never goes to sleep.


All is well

 What are your goals as an individual?

What would you love most to do or to become on this earth ( under the sun)?
For me i want to stay on top of situations and i want to be rich. Because ive being called to be rich, so i live in that conciousness. Romans 8:17
Do you know one key to sucess is to live with that conciousness?
We all have our worries in life, we all face issues that cant be comprehended, but brethren God in his own wisdom and might is telling you today that all is well.
And that the world you find yourself in,the universe your world can be found in, is him which is God himself. And he is saying in still voice to you today that 'all things are working together for your good'.
He loves you soo much that he placed you in him to let things work around for your good.
But i am saddened to say many are ignorant of this. All he desires is that life would be calm without distress, smooth and sound for you.
He said in his word that 'come to me all who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest', mat. 11:28. He knows that you are in distress, he knows what you going through and he is saying to you today that come to him as you are and he will give you rest.
Your dreams are not far fetched. Let me let you on a truth. Dreams of sucess are implanted by God to show the plans he has for you, and they are implented by him if only you continue to remain in him.
All is well, live in this conciousness, shalom!




Wednesday, December 23, 2015


You are too strong to live life in hurt. You are too beautiful to let someone else's ugly ways make you feel insecure about yourself. Stop crying over that person(bae/boo) that's making someone else smile, and let the one that wants to make you smile come in. Stop chasing after that person(bae/boo)  that keeps breaking your heart over and over, and let the person that wants to repair your heart, wants to cherish your heart & protect your heart come in. Your worth should be more than just feeling special sometimes.Your worth should be more than just feeling loved sometimes. Why settle for being important in their lives only when they choose for you to be? Stop settling for" Stand-by" when your heart deserves to be treated first class.Its time to stop asking "why did they hurt me" and know "why you deserve better". There is nothing wrong about you, its just that there are lots of things not right about them. Stop blaming yourself. The heart that was meant to love you will give you respect, will make you feel special, will appreciate you for who you are. Someone who cares about you doesn't get their power from seeing you hurt nor their joy from seeing you weak. Someone who cares wants to see the best you, not the hurt you, because when you truly love a fellow, when they hurt, you hurt, when they cry, you cry. Stop asking "why was i not good enough ?"and know "why they weren't good
enough for you". But it does no good to know what you don't deserve and still choose to accept it.VOTE FOR YOU!
.                       WRITTEN BY ATEM PEACE- CREW MEMBER OF GC


Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Hope is a big thing and cannot be fully explained because its importance cannot be stressed well enough. Chiamaka presents this week's episode.


Your habits form your behaviour and your behaviour determines who you are. Sneak a quick peak at this episode.

Self Control

Self control is required for a lot of things to go on properly in our lives. Find out what Immanuela has to say.


Loyalty is a vital thing in an individual's life and also mostly important in building strong relationships. Watch this video to learn more.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Stand up for your beliefs

No matter how dark and gloomy the situation,How impossible it is,How pointless it may appear,So far as what you believe in has merit,Don't stop believing!Fight for what you believe in!

Peer Pressure

If the people around you, the people you surround yourself with do not have a positive influence on you, cut them off!If you are around a group of people, be the positive influence!Peer pressure is not always bad!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Questions you should ask

-The reason why something may not be working for you is because you may have been asking the wrong questions all along. Try this for a change. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Inspire Others, Inspire Yourself

 Sometimes we are dead, broken inside.
 Looking for someone to revive us.
To encourage us, to let us know everything is okay.
But then we find out that even they at that moment are full of negativity.
In that moment we have to rise up and be that saviour.
Be the positivity in that situation.
Change our situation and the situation of those people.

Please watch our latest video on youtube on this topic:


Sunday, October 18, 2015



When everything that i am and have done is not good enough to persuade someone else of my worth & value
My mom always told me that not everyone is going to like me, but i just wish they did!.Rejection! Rejection!
Maybe it was you seeking dads attention dancing in front of the TV to get him to notice you and still he says "get out of the way" or
Maybe its you after investing years in a relationship/job and you are told that there is someone else who is a more perfect fit or
Maybe you don't fit in at school because you don't have the cloths or hair like those cool girls do.
We say we don't care what people think,then you get like 10 likes and you are trying to delete that photo off instagram/facebook yeah yeah,
The NOs in our life are everywhere
Society standards will continually change, maybe soon we would need PHD to work in a restaurant,and that your bachelor certificate wouldn't be good enough anymore
REJECTION-Not being enough
The truth is in some season in your walk in life others wouldn't see your value. In these seasons
There has to be something that resolves at the core of your being that who you are is enough
The first choice i advice you to make on rejection in your life is
1) Own that feeling,acknowledge the pain. For every time someone wins someone looses.own it
2)Make a decision.To rise above the hurt.
You are good Enough just the way you are.Forget the success,forget the money,you are the only you that exist which is a testimony that you are good enough.
You are the best you there can be.YOU ARE ENOUGH


The Youth and Socal Media

 So over the years i have noticed that the most active set of people on social media are the youth. That is not  very disturbing. It only becomes a problem when everything posted is either violent or abusive or utterly useless and unimportant. What i'm saying is if you'll use these networks, use them wisely. Dont spend your whole day switching from facebook, twitter, youtube, instagram etc. Instead use them to create a good name for yourself. Make a positive impact and dont just throe your time away.  My name Helen and I'm out!
watch this video on youtube on the youth and social media.


Friday, September 25, 2015


Is it worth it?
I heard this story about an eagle who came down to the ground and grabbed another creature.
It picked it up and took it to a high elevation.
One of the observers that was watching it, saw the eagle soar then all of a sudden, slowly but surely He saw this majestic bird sparring downward out of control falling to its untimely death.The observer rushed to the spot where this eagle had fallen and looked down at it, in the eagles claw was this creature that it had grabbed as prey and when he looked closer he saw that this creature had dug into the eagles skin and it began to attack the eagle until it literally reaped the heart of the eagle out causing it to fall to its death.
The question is, why didn't the eagle not just let go?
You have held onto your pain.
You have held onto your unforgiveness.
And the interesting thought is, you think its affecting the individual involved. No boo, they have moved on. The reality is your unforgiveness has wounded you,like that majestic bird,you are no longer soaring, You have lost your focus & slowly but surely you are sparring down for a fall.
I write to let you know UNFORGIVENESS IS NOT WORTH IT!



Sunday, September 20, 2015


This is inspired by Jonathan McReynold's new song limp

We rush through life seeking something
It gets to a place where we have to make a choice
To follow our flesh or to kill it
But then in that instance we choose the flesh
Because we are so tired we need to relax
To give the flesh a little pleasure see
That mirage it covers the reality
Because that is then we fall and break something
But in that broken we keep running
Running away from the reality deeper into the mirage
Then we get to a certain place and we get stuck
We bleed out, we get weak
Then the reality begins to sink in
The grace of God we have been  running from glaring at us
Deep in  those eyes he is urging us on
Keep running with your limp because I'm running with you
Stop running from me, I'll be your strength
Put a shame on the faces of those that thought this injury will stop you
So if you're tired, broken, your innocence stolen
if life hits, and then it hurts, remember Jesus walks with you
So keep on walking with your limp


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The pain will be silenced

It's there, a sadness that lays at the center of your heart, keeping you company when the world has left you alone.

I dont know what to say but sometimes tears fall and you can't do anything but live with it.
I know though that one day you will no longer have that.
It will be but a moment.
Please hold on.
You wont hurt forever.
You'll love and laugh again.
Just stay strong untill you have felt the sun on your face and you know that you have made it.
Just hold on.
The pain will be silenced one day.



Thursday, September 10, 2015

Welcome Partner, This is going to be fun!

If you are reading this post. Then you are either a partner or potential partner of Getting Connected, the movement. Which entails, The Channel, The blog,The page, and the instagram.                                                    
So before i fill your ears with all the fun stuff.
Here is what you've got to know about us:
Getting connected is a youth movement group. It is our desire to work with many youth ministries who have the intention of presenting Christ to the world.
We have many platforms where young believers and ministers can express themselves with the aim of reaching the world.
Atm we are trying our best to set off this cause on the right foot.
Our Motto:Youth Awakening.
So, Welcome on board!!!!!!!!!!
We would love working with you.
Love and unity will grow as we work together.

P .S: if you are just a precious random reader who wants to partner with us, text this number on whatsapp +380637166288. . Stay blessed!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


It shouldn't matter right? whether i am rich or poor.
It shouldn't matter that i am short and you are tall.
It shouldn't matter that i am woman and you are man.
It shouldn't really matter that i am not so clever.
it definitely shouldn't matter that i am black and you are white.
Nor should it matter that i am not in school and you are
it absolutely means nothing that you have something that i don't.
Because right now at this moment without those things, outside of them, we are all human.
Made of a flesh that will perish, a soul that hungers and a spirit that yearns to be saved.
We all look for someone to believe and if that fails we look for something.
We all seek to be loved regardless of our flaws.
And above that,
WE CONTINUE to exist in this cruel world that tries to trash our days.
So we are all here on this moving globe and we have each other.
The next time you see a homeless person, do not think they have no one.
BE REMINDED they have you. Be the reason they seek to be loved.
Hold the door for someone.
Help someone down the staircase.
Spare some change for the homeless.
Encourage that person who is loosing hope.
In fact run wild and start doing nice things today for someone who cant pay you back because you haven't lived till you have done that.


follow our facebook and instagram pages, Getting Connected.YOUTH AWAKENING

Friday, September 4, 2015


Sin is a Cancer to your soul I'm chemo use me but i still give my answer as no, i see no proof gee, i play emo music and drown in my tears but son that lil river down your feet ain't fighting your fears, stop biting your ears, damn, God you call me stupid? Or that's the symphony from my conscience telling me face the music, I'm tasting useless though my plate is full with work and paper, say i go through with this won't i come back to sinning later? If we feel our sinning is winning, we're missing the vision, perfection is in heaven but on earth His Grace is efficient, His love and mercy become blood in forgiveness, you don't become sinless but you sin less, His mission, so this isn't at all fake , always know that God saves, we triumph over big problems even with our small faith, redemption in the form of His blood, and my sentence is happiness for eternity with God.                                          
WRITTEN BY ZEKE (AREOE)                                                         -CREW MEMBER of GC

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Welcome to Getting Connected


Welcome to earth where everyone thinks you suck until you start doing things their way or to please them. It is not a wonder that aliens will not visit us, it is never going to happen. Every person expects the other person to be like them, it is therefore not a surprise that racism exists. People are pissing me off so much i will probably migrate to another planet where i wouldn't have to deal with them.
LOL. I'm just joking. People are delightful. The world is filled with very interesting kinds of people from different continents, countries and of different races. i have met quite a number in my day. If this is difficult for you to catch, just visit facebook and youtube, just those two. You will be amazed. i rumble alot, enough of the rumbling. This is the first blog post from getting connected and thou art welcome. I am using myself as a scapegoat for my crew members by putting up the first post, but that is ok because nobody actually knows my name.For the beginning parts of this blog we would very much like your support in inviting your friends and family members to visit this blog. We would mostly rely on your suggestions regarding the topics we talk about and post on. Support us on facebook by liking our page, subscribe to our Youtube channel and follow our instagram.we are starting Getting Connected The Show, and we would love your support.
Stay connected for details