Monday, May 23, 2016

I Had A Talk With Mum Yesterday

I had a talk with my mum yesterday, A heart to heart talk. She kept repeating the words "don't rush" and "be you". "Don't rush". Mummy said there's so much to life, live each moment at a time. Cherish the happy times and learn from the tough times. Go through the process with a positive mindset. Don't rush the process. Eventually you'd get there. Don't get there with regrets of what you should have done at a particular point in your life. "Be you". Don't let situations determine how you relate with people. Indeed you've been through a lot, but that doesn't mean you should look or act like it. You are unique. You showcase a side of God the world has never experienced. Don't loose yourself by trying to be like others. Delight in you because God delights in you.Who we are is a product of what we do with what we've been given. You may be from a good home but what you assimilate is very crucial. You can actually find faults when you are looking for it. Have a positive aura. Impact your world with it and cause an indelible mark in the lives of people.



Monday, May 9, 2016

I'm not a popular student nor am i a famous person. I'm just a plain girl trying to make impact on the few people in my world. The things i do might not interest you and that is ok. But if you are just disregarding my efforts because you do not like me then I'd like you to reconsider. See, the reason why people exist in our worlds is so that the can influence our decisions. Whether to make a certain choice or not. By their words and experiences. So you might just miss something life changing if you don't pay attention because you dislike a certain person.
Do not choose who to listen to based on their ranking in society or who they are to you. You might just end up with some poisonous information. Instead listen to what will form you and make you a person of substance.
So today i repeat that i am not a famous person nor am i popular but i do know that I'll do anything and everything i can to make a difference in my world and the people around me. Helen out!




How many of us are aware that our state of brokenness should not discourage us from doing what we originally meant to do? If you are broken, You give God a reason to work with you. If you are okay in yourself, thinking that you can take care of everything by yourself, You are in for a shock. If we look at most of the things happening in our lives, They stand for states of brokenness for which God comes in and does what he does best. Restore, renew, revive, repair. So it doesn't matter what you are broken in, What matters is that God's got your back. Many might see this and just nodd or like or agree and that's it. But i want us to live with this. Remembering this every moment of our lives Be it spiritually, mentally, socially, physically, psychologically Or maybe with our egos, Self esteem, Confidence, Financially, Be broken! Cry! and acknowledge you are broken. And after that, let go and let God!
WRITTEN  by Helen Konde of Getting Connected



If there is anything in your life that you are holding on to, anybody you are holding on to from your past that is a poison to your present and future,  Ask that your eyes be opened that you may see. And then let go! Let them go! No matter how hard it is on you, let go! Because that is the best gift you can give yourself.
-Lady Helena


Stop, listen
To my heart's bleeding
This feeling
Its not of hurt
But then what is this uncontrolled emotion?
Maybe I'll wait till i can explain well
This feeling that is so strong
This emotion


A few days ago I encountered a muslim guy when I was out for evangelism. He told me he was once a Christian and I was curious to find out what caused him to change his belief. According to him, growing up he was really stubborn. He was soo much in debt at a young age. He could fight and cause so much trouble and his Muslim friends were always there to rescue him. They could pay his debt and beg if necessary. They showed him so much love. But...his Christian brothers were no where no be found. They treated him as an outcast even before he became a muslim.
And this got me thinking amongst other things. Jesus, whilst on earth was against the religious people. Jesus was always found among sinners. He never shunned them. He never condemned them. He was against the very things the religious people did. Because their foundation wasn't on love. Jesus came to show us the way to live with each other amongst other things.Where is our love for the lost? Is it overdue? Why do we brand, condemn and criticize the very people Christ came to die for?We are soul winners. We are full of love for the lost. Let's love the lost into the kingdom. If the very people who need Christ are countered out, where else should they go? Selah. #lovethemintothekingdom. Be blessed.



The Unbeliever

The Unbeliever
I have come across people who don't believe  in any form of deity, I have also come across those groups of people who believe in worshipping their form of deity through a medium. Some believe in the existence of a supreme being, others just believe on the energies around us. We all have our believes and principles we live by daily in our lives. The question is, is there a connecting factor to all this? “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ The key line to note in the above verse is 'For in him all things were created'. The energies which were created are the unseen forces that are created in him. That principality that we seek for help in times of trouble or distress are the rulers and authorities that were created in him.                         Brethren, i recommend to you 'The I Am' who is our God, the author and finisher of our faith.We were created in him and in him we live and move and have our being. And so all things work together for our good. “...for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬ God is all things and without him you have nothing. Seek to know him for he is ready to help you. Shalom!