Saturday, September 24, 2016

Where Is God

Have you watched the news lately ? You are probably tired of being constantly depressed by all the unnerving headlines. It's terrible, the bombings, injustice, abuse of power and all the many crisis that we are so used to hearing on a daily basis.
   Different people have different explanations for all these disasters. As human as we are, we are always looking for answers to hold onto, to make us understand what's happening in our world. We have all searched for answers, or at least wondered why these terrible things happen.
   It's hard to live in a world like this constantly wondering what's going to happen next.
  Have you ever thought about where God is in all of this? Where is God when innocent children and women are being killed everyday? Where is he when children get orphaned ? Where was he in France and Syria and the rest of the countries that have been victims of these terrorist attacks ? Where was God in Orlando ? For heaven's sake, where was he when Trump decided to run for president? If you know the God that I serve, you would certainly agree that He was there through it all. You might still feel the hurt, but trust me He was there to comfort us and he has been holding us so close.
   How do I know ? To be honest, I don't know. I can't prove it to you, obviously. But I have faith that He was present. I've been asked those questions before, by someone who has given up on God. He said he didn't understand how God could sit back and allow horrible things to happen in the world. I told him I didn't know but I believed that God isn't just sitting there and enjoying the "show". He then said to me;so why isn't He doing something ? I replied ; because it's not time yet.Of course he looked at me like I was some crazy girl. But that's okay. I'm not sure I gave him the right answers. I don't think I'd ever have them. But till God decides it's time to do Him, I'd just rest easy and I hope you would too.
Written by Loretta Awiapo- An Ambassador of Christ

Friday, September 23, 2016

What Has Our World Come To

What has our world come to?
People killing because of colour.
The seven deadly sins taking over.
Oh the horror, and terror
How did we get to this place
Where the hearts of people have become so filthy
Oh for goodness sake
Can we go back to when we cared about humanity
Now the act of kindness has become so rare that when someone shows a little of it they have to put it on facebook so that people can marvel and cheer.
The act of cruelty is the order of the day so people walk filled with so much fear.
Where acts of wickedness surprise people no more
Nations rising against nations
Wars and rumors of wars
Famines and earthquakes in various places
All these happenings reminds me of Mathew chapter 24

Repent Jesus Is Soon Here

Written by Konde Helen-An Ambassador Of Christ