Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hello God

Hello God
Its me again entering yur gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise
With my heart i pour out my issues before you
With your huge heart you receive what i have to say and console me telling me ' am with you '
Such deep words father, such soothing words i need. Always when am quiet and postrate before you, your presence overwhelms me. Its like a feeling that takes me places on earth i've never been. You tell me you love me, you tell me you are always with me. Father i know
and am forever grateful. For without you i can accomplish nothing. You the beginning to my end. Anytime i take i step, you take a step with me. Saying to me ' you are not alone '
You order my steps even before i turn to move. You are my father , you are my friend.
I dont have to think twice in taking a decision because you intentionally make things work for my good. I love you father.
You love me too much that it hurts. You mean to me more than i mean to myself. Everyday before you is like a new day with a fresh start. I dont have to come before too righteous. Even in my unrighteousness you show urself mighty with me. I dont understand your ways. It beats my understanding. You are the only friend that doesnt see me as the cheat i am or the liar i am or even the lustful person i am. You still love me as i am and it hurts. Becos i dont deserve to be pampered with something as uncommon as your love.
You arise in situations around me making peace prevail. The fact that u always with me makes my friends and family safe even down to those am not in direct contact with.
Father, what manner of God are you?