Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hello God

Hello God
Its me again entering yur gates with thanksgiving and your courts with praise
With my heart i pour out my issues before you
With your huge heart you receive what i have to say and console me telling me ' am with you '
Such deep words father, such soothing words i need. Always when am quiet and postrate before you, your presence overwhelms me. Its like a feeling that takes me places on earth i've never been. You tell me you love me, you tell me you are always with me. Father i know
and am forever grateful. For without you i can accomplish nothing. You the beginning to my end. Anytime i take i step, you take a step with me. Saying to me ' you are not alone '
You order my steps even before i turn to move. You are my father , you are my friend.
I dont have to think twice in taking a decision because you intentionally make things work for my good. I love you father.
You love me too much that it hurts. You mean to me more than i mean to myself. Everyday before you is like a new day with a fresh start. I dont have to come before too righteous. Even in my unrighteousness you show urself mighty with me. I dont understand your ways. It beats my understanding. You are the only friend that doesnt see me as the cheat i am or the liar i am or even the lustful person i am. You still love me as i am and it hurts. Becos i dont deserve to be pampered with something as uncommon as your love.
You arise in situations around me making peace prevail. The fact that u always with me makes my friends and family safe even down to those am not in direct contact with.
Father, what manner of God are you?

Friday, October 28, 2016

                          THRONEROOM PERSPECTIVE – FIRST OF ALL
ThroneRoom Perspective, is delighted to announce its first official group project, “First Of All.”
ThroneRoom Perspective is a spoken word group based in the main branch of Action Chapel International that came into existence in 2014. The objective of the group is to create art in the form of poetry that encourages, inspires, and ultimately glorifies God. The group currently has five active members, all of whom feature on the EP.
The EP will consist of 7 tracks; 2 group poems and an individual poem from each member of the group.
A teaser will be released on Sunday on our Soundcloud profile.

Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/trpministires/
Follow us on Twitter – @wordfromtrp
Follow us on Instagram – @throneroomperspective
Follow our Soundcloud account - https://soundcloud.com/throneroom-perspective

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Where Is God

Have you watched the news lately ? You are probably tired of being constantly depressed by all the unnerving headlines. It's terrible, the bombings, injustice, abuse of power and all the many crisis that we are so used to hearing on a daily basis.
   Different people have different explanations for all these disasters. As human as we are, we are always looking for answers to hold onto, to make us understand what's happening in our world. We have all searched for answers, or at least wondered why these terrible things happen.
   It's hard to live in a world like this constantly wondering what's going to happen next.
  Have you ever thought about where God is in all of this? Where is God when innocent children and women are being killed everyday? Where is he when children get orphaned ? Where was he in France and Syria and the rest of the countries that have been victims of these terrorist attacks ? Where was God in Orlando ? For heaven's sake, where was he when Trump decided to run for president? If you know the God that I serve, you would certainly agree that He was there through it all. You might still feel the hurt, but trust me He was there to comfort us and he has been holding us so close.
   How do I know ? To be honest, I don't know. I can't prove it to you, obviously. But I have faith that He was present. I've been asked those questions before, by someone who has given up on God. He said he didn't understand how God could sit back and allow horrible things to happen in the world. I told him I didn't know but I believed that God isn't just sitting there and enjoying the "show". He then said to me;so why isn't He doing something ? I replied ; because it's not time yet.Of course he looked at me like I was some crazy girl. But that's okay. I'm not sure I gave him the right answers. I don't think I'd ever have them. But till God decides it's time to do Him, I'd just rest easy and I hope you would too.
Written by Loretta Awiapo- An Ambassador of Christ

Friday, September 23, 2016

What Has Our World Come To

What has our world come to?
People killing because of colour.
The seven deadly sins taking over.
Oh the horror, and terror
How did we get to this place
Where the hearts of people have become so filthy
Oh for goodness sake
Can we go back to when we cared about humanity
Now the act of kindness has become so rare that when someone shows a little of it they have to put it on facebook so that people can marvel and cheer.
The act of cruelty is the order of the day so people walk filled with so much fear.
Where acts of wickedness surprise people no more
Nations rising against nations
Wars and rumors of wars
Famines and earthquakes in various places
All these happenings reminds me of Mathew chapter 24

Repent Jesus Is Soon Here

Written by Konde Helen-An Ambassador Of Christ

Monday, August 22, 2016


The people are dying,
And yet we ain't even trying.
Why're you crying?
Are you tired, Of doing nothing?
Maybe you should pick a side.
And work hard for that side.
So that when it fails, you'll feel included.
Or when it does win, you  will feel excited, fulfilled.
Maybe when you are on the side of the people trying to help the people dying, 
You wouldn't feel so bad because you know you're trying.

This piece may not make sense to you unless you connect to it on a personal note.

This world is perishing.
Right before our eyes it is crambling.
We can see it, some deny it.
But we sit in our rooms and cry watching sad videos.
We complain and yet do nothing.



Sunday, August 21, 2016


God save me from myself
Save me from my thoughts
Save me from my choices, my decisions
Save me from my words
What i whisper under my breath
The words i wouldn't want others to hear
Save me from the steps i take
The steps i take when things are going wrong
Even when i am wrong i try to save myself
Because i am selfish, even if it means others getting stung
Save me Lord, from this pain in my heart
The pain that arose because of the constant hurting
Hurt that became because of my choices
i broke myself, fix me Lord, fix me
Its a repeated cycle of how did i get myself into this unending chain
At this point, no word of advice from someone else can help me.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016


 Life is beautiful. Almost all the time to some people, sometimes to others, and to other people, they'd rather die than continue living. But that's the beauty of life, isn't it ? It's all part of the journey you know? What were you expecting when you asked God to give you a heart like his? Remember when you prayed fervently asking him to take control of your life? Well, He listened and He certainly heard you as usual.
   Have you ever thought that being a child of God entails a lot more than we think? It's not that simple you know? It's about those times that you want to give up on life. The times when the journey seems so long, too many bumps and turns. All the hurt, the confusion and misunderstanding about life. It's about the grief and the heartache, and the many times that fear,guilt and anxiety linger.
  Sometimes we dwell in them. We try to fight them because we think that being happy means the absence of all these impediments. I'll tell you what I think; These are our crosses. Christ wants us to unite our crosses with his. In his word, He has made so many promises, equipped us enough to live this life. He never promised an easy life. He never said the road would be easy, but he has promised to never leave us.
  On one of my Pinterest quests, I came across this quote: " Maybe life isn't about avoiding bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it." Basically life in one quote, and it couldn't have been put in a better way. 
  Do not wish away the hard times. Use them to find your strength and who you are in Christ. Grow through them and allow God to use them to make you who He intended you to be. 


Friday, August 5, 2016

Take a step

Take a step
Christians of our time face lots of challenges. We go through problems or situations that make us doubt the God we serve. Let me take you to the account of Peter in the bible. Many have heard this at their various churches or even read it for themselves. Jesus walks on the water and Peter asked if he could come, and the answer as we all know was COME. Now he took the step not looking at were his leg would fall but setting his eyes on Jesus. What would have happen if he looked down at where he would place his feet?
Sometimes its difficult seeing God in your situation. He doesnt feel real anytime you are in crisis. People would say ' We need it gone and you ask, should we believe?!'. Jesus is telling you today to COME. All he requires of you is to take the step setting your eyes on him. 'Fixing your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith(Heb. 12:2) Peter's problem was the water that was set before him, but he took the step because his faith wasn't on how firm the ground would be, his faith was on Jesus.
Take a step brethen and see your situation swallowed in him.
Written by Ebo Hammond - A crew member of GC

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Youth Mandate

The Youth mandate (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say “I find no pleasure in them” [NIV]

The world says “Youth for Pleasure, middle age for business, old age for religion.” The Bible says “Youth, Middle age and old age all for your Creator”. But especially in our youth that we are most inclined (determined) to forget our creator, it’s especially in these years that we must work to remember our creator. Remember He made you, that’s He provides for you, that He cares for you, that He provides for you, and that He controls everything; and remember that He can save you too. That’s a lot to remember, but it’s much easier to start memorizing when we are young.
ENERGETIC YEARS: However, that’s not the only reason why God commands us to remember our Creator in our young years. Why wait until we are pegging out, until we are running down, until our gas is almost empty before serving our Creator? The God who made use deserves our most active and healthy years ; our bodies are string and muscular (well kind of) , our minds are sharp and clear, our senses are receptive, keen and sensitive our enthusiasm is bright and bushy, our wills are steely and determined, Remember Him in your Energetic Years.

SENSITIVE YEARS: why do far more of us become Christians in our Middle Ages or old ages? It because youth years are sensitive years. Without giving up our belief in “Total Depravity” we can say that it’s easier “to believe and repent when we are younger. It’s never easy; but it’s easier and it’s easier because as we get older our hearts is hardened thicker, our conscience is sear numbered, our sins root deeper, our deadness becomes deader. Let’s use our youth sensitivity and receptivity to remember our Creator before the Evil days of callous indifference set in.

TEACHABLE YEARS: We learn more in our youth than in any other period of our lives. That’s true in all subjects, but especially true in religious instruction. All Christians I’ve met who were converted to Christ late in life have expressed huge regrets about how little they know and how little they can now learn. I encourage them to value and use whatever time the Lord give them, but they often feel they have to twice as hard to learn half as well.

DANGEROUS YEARS: Young years are minefield years; hormones, peer pressure, alcohol, drugs, pornography, immorality, teenage sex, etc…. Few navigate these years without blowing up here and there. Dangers abound on every side – and on the inside. How many “first” temptations becomes “last” temptations…!!!! How much we need our Creator to keep us and carry us through this Battlefield.

WRITTEN BY  Gilbert Kodzo Seryiram Nkansah - An Ambassador of Christ


# I t is not just about the lyrics of a song but the spirit behind it. Matthew 3:16
 # It is not just about the act of good (being a philanthropist) but the heart of love behind it. 1st Corinthians 13:3.
#it is not just about the spirit of prophecy or understanding all mysteries and all knowledge but having love amidst of all. 1st Corinthians 13:1
# It is not about how much “prayers” you prayer but praying the right way. James 5:16
#it is not about having a lot of money but having a vision. Revelation 3
#it is not about the Excellency of speech alone but the demonstration of the power of God. 1st Corinthians 2:4
 #who is like the wise man? Who knows the explanation of things?
Wisdom brightens a man’s face. And changes it hard appearance. Eccle 8:1
# it is not only about finding a woman as a wife but finding the properties of a good wife in a woman. Proverbs 31
#it is not enough only leading someone to Christ but also discipling the person. Matthew 28:19
The truth cannot be exchanged with what is just good.
Stand for the truth
It is not about what is good but what is true.



Thursday, June 2, 2016



That very spot where you stand right now,
that very place where you are sitting,
I mean that very place where you are lying at the moment
You are the only one who can stand,sit,lye there
Unless you move..
move out of that space 
and then someone else can occupy it

Yet,not everyone can occupy like you
No one can occupy just like you did

You say other people are doing it
I mean,something similar to what you believe you should be doing
But they cannot do it like you
They really cannot 

You are the only  you that exist
The world,God's earth needs to 
See you
Know you
Experience you
Taste and See that the Lord knew what He was doing when he made you

So rise,rise from where you are
Pick up from where you started
Shake off the rust on your steel
One step at a time

Do it today
And you'll be one day away from where you were yesterday
In 10 days,you'll be 10 days (steps) better-at the very least
You will be a 100 times more in no time
And then you would have risen

Risen beyond the status quo
Risen beyond the low level
Risen to a point where rising interests you(becomes your norm)

Yet no you without God
Its His earth,stay connected!!

Written by Grace Adeniyi- An Ambassador of Christ


Monday, May 23, 2016

I Had A Talk With Mum Yesterday

I had a talk with my mum yesterday, A heart to heart talk. She kept repeating the words "don't rush" and "be you". "Don't rush". Mummy said there's so much to life, live each moment at a time. Cherish the happy times and learn from the tough times. Go through the process with a positive mindset. Don't rush the process. Eventually you'd get there. Don't get there with regrets of what you should have done at a particular point in your life. "Be you". Don't let situations determine how you relate with people. Indeed you've been through a lot, but that doesn't mean you should look or act like it. You are unique. You showcase a side of God the world has never experienced. Don't loose yourself by trying to be like others. Delight in you because God delights in you.Who we are is a product of what we do with what we've been given. You may be from a good home but what you assimilate is very crucial. You can actually find faults when you are looking for it. Have a positive aura. Impact your world with it and cause an indelible mark in the lives of people.



Monday, May 9, 2016

I'm not a popular student nor am i a famous person. I'm just a plain girl trying to make impact on the few people in my world. The things i do might not interest you and that is ok. But if you are just disregarding my efforts because you do not like me then I'd like you to reconsider. See, the reason why people exist in our worlds is so that the can influence our decisions. Whether to make a certain choice or not. By their words and experiences. So you might just miss something life changing if you don't pay attention because you dislike a certain person.
Do not choose who to listen to based on their ranking in society or who they are to you. You might just end up with some poisonous information. Instead listen to what will form you and make you a person of substance.
So today i repeat that i am not a famous person nor am i popular but i do know that I'll do anything and everything i can to make a difference in my world and the people around me. Helen out!




How many of us are aware that our state of brokenness should not discourage us from doing what we originally meant to do? If you are broken, You give God a reason to work with you. If you are okay in yourself, thinking that you can take care of everything by yourself, You are in for a shock. If we look at most of the things happening in our lives, They stand for states of brokenness for which God comes in and does what he does best. Restore, renew, revive, repair. So it doesn't matter what you are broken in, What matters is that God's got your back. Many might see this and just nodd or like or agree and that's it. But i want us to live with this. Remembering this every moment of our lives Be it spiritually, mentally, socially, physically, psychologically Or maybe with our egos, Self esteem, Confidence, Financially, Be broken! Cry! and acknowledge you are broken. And after that, let go and let God!
WRITTEN  by Helen Konde of Getting Connected



If there is anything in your life that you are holding on to, anybody you are holding on to from your past that is a poison to your present and future,  Ask that your eyes be opened that you may see. And then let go! Let them go! No matter how hard it is on you, let go! Because that is the best gift you can give yourself.
-Lady Helena


Stop, listen
To my heart's bleeding
This feeling
Its not of hurt
But then what is this uncontrolled emotion?
Maybe I'll wait till i can explain well
This feeling that is so strong
This emotion


A few days ago I encountered a muslim guy when I was out for evangelism. He told me he was once a Christian and I was curious to find out what caused him to change his belief. According to him, growing up he was really stubborn. He was soo much in debt at a young age. He could fight and cause so much trouble and his Muslim friends were always there to rescue him. They could pay his debt and beg if necessary. They showed him so much love. But...his Christian brothers were no where no be found. They treated him as an outcast even before he became a muslim.
And this got me thinking amongst other things. Jesus, whilst on earth was against the religious people. Jesus was always found among sinners. He never shunned them. He never condemned them. He was against the very things the religious people did. Because their foundation wasn't on love. Jesus came to show us the way to live with each other amongst other things.Where is our love for the lost? Is it overdue? Why do we brand, condemn and criticize the very people Christ came to die for?We are soul winners. We are full of love for the lost. Let's love the lost into the kingdom. If the very people who need Christ are countered out, where else should they go? Selah. #lovethemintothekingdom. Be blessed.



The Unbeliever

The Unbeliever
I have come across people who don't believe  in any form of deity, I have also come across those groups of people who believe in worshipping their form of deity through a medium. Some believe in the existence of a supreme being, others just believe on the energies around us. We all have our believes and principles we live by daily in our lives. The question is, is there a connecting factor to all this? “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬ The key line to note in the above verse is 'For in him all things were created'. The energies which were created are the unseen forces that are created in him. That principality that we seek for help in times of trouble or distress are the rulers and authorities that were created in him.                         Brethren, i recommend to you 'The I Am' who is our God, the author and finisher of our faith.We were created in him and in him we live and move and have our being. And so all things work together for our good. “...for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭KJV‬‬ God is all things and without him you have nothing. Seek to know him for he is ready to help you. Shalom!


Thursday, March 24, 2016


What do you  think your purpose on earth is?
Do you agree with me that if  you knew on earth what you  have to accomplish in life, life would be easy
I am here to let you  know today that you have a purpose or there is a demand on your life
That demand is more than interests, more than yourself
Do you live life as it comes not knowing what will face you in the days to come or what you have to accomplish in the days to come
Come to the reality of this, is there something more to me than my personal interest?
If there is something more than me, what could it be?
Moses the man of God who was destined to free the Israelites out of Egypt tried to run away from his destiny but the demand of God caught up with him.
The prayers of believers had been heard by God and answers had already been provided but for the answers to manifest it takes you to know the demand of God on your life and to walk in it to bring smiles on the faces of the oppressed.
It is not just enough to help the needy on the street but you can touch lives if only you seek to know and accomplish God's perfect demand on your life
Life is short as we all know so we have to make good use of our days on earth. Not wasting time on things that don't add value to your life.
Imagine a piece of artwork and in the art we can find carpenters, masons, farmers, teachers and people walking on the street.
God being the painter produced this piece of art. Where do you find yourself in the art?


Written by Ebow Hammond - Crew member of GC