Friday, November 3, 2017


I have been thinking about Hope, Faith, Love, and what those things really mean in today's world.
So starting with Hope, hasn't it become just one of those words that we use without thinking much about ?
"I hope it rains today"
"I hope I won't miss my bus this morning"........

But thinking about it more, hope is more than just saying a few words, and not thinking about it twice.

Hope is that strength to see each new day,  to keep breathing, to be willing .

And our hope isn't based on statistics , or on feelings but grounded in what God says, and the fact that He cannot lie (Numbers 23:19).

- Nambisa

Saturday, October 14, 2017


I don't understand the games christians play when it comes to our relationship with our maker. We say we love him, we say we'll serve him yet what we go on accepting is facts not the truth.
God is not a joke. If he were a joke then our worshipping him will be baseless. Am tired of hearing preachers say you have to apply wisdom to what you read and yet when we do, nothing seems to change. What at all aren't we getting right?
Our foundation as believers is solely on his word(The word of God). That is why the name 'believers' ; for if we don't believe in him and his teachings(word) why then call yourself a christian?
This word of God we read, preach, meditate on and live by must be true!
For if we are believers and his word says in Psalms 33:4a, that the word of God is right and true;And we are faced with challenges and diseases or sickness and he said in his word, that by his stripes we're healed or that my God shall supply all our needs according to his riches in glory in christ Jesus. What do you choose to believe in? The fact, which might be what you facing now. It might be illment or challenges unheard of or the truth which is the word of God.
John 17:3 says " And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you've sent.
God is true. His word is true. Why don't you put his word to a test and stand on the truth and see what our God would do. Whatever the word of God is, whatever you've read in the bible,you might be going through some hardship which is a fact; but will you choose to let the fact dominate or you will let the truth prevail.
Brethen, i put before you THE FACT OR THE TRUTH? Choose wisely🤔

Written by Ebo Hammond - A member of GC


Sunday, June 11, 2017

In Life

In life we will make excuses
This is because we aren't capable enough
In life we will disappoint
This is because we aren't perfect enough
In life we will break ourselves
This is because we are not careful enough
In life we will break others
This is because we are not careful enough
In life we will make complains
This is because we can't handle everything
In life we will procastinate
This is because we are not strongwilled
We will be Lazy
We May Even Fail
But it doesn;t change the fact that we are uniquely parading this world with our own charm and amazing quest to make the world a better place.
We may be all the negatives people see, but we are much more than that,
We are Strong Regardless
We are determined regardless
We are passionate regardless
We are stars regardless
We will Succeed regardless

Because he who is in us has no flaws

written by - Helen Konde, a crew member of GC