All is well

 What are your goals as an individual?

What would you love most to do or to become on this earth ( under the sun)?
For me i want to stay on top of situations and i want to be rich. Because ive being called to be rich, so i live in that conciousness. Romans 8:17
Do you know one key to sucess is to live with that conciousness?
We all have our worries in life, we all face issues that cant be comprehended, but brethren God in his own wisdom and might is telling you today that all is well.
And that the world you find yourself in,the universe your world can be found in, is him which is God himself. And he is saying in still voice to you today that 'all things are working together for your good'.
He loves you soo much that he placed you in him to let things work around for your good.
But i am saddened to say many are ignorant of this. All he desires is that life would be calm without distress, smooth and sound for you.
He said in his word that 'come to me all who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest', mat. 11:28. He knows that you are in distress, he knows what you going through and he is saying to you today that come to him as you are and he will give you rest.
Your dreams are not far fetched. Let me let you on a truth. Dreams of sucess are implanted by God to show the plans he has for you, and they are implented by him if only you continue to remain in him.
All is well, live in this conciousness, shalom!




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The essence of life is not to live like everyone expects you to, but it is to live to your full potential and capability.


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